Nodepp: The world's first NodeJS-like framework for C++

Hello! If you're looking to create real asynchronous applications in C++, you might be interested in Nodepp, an all-in-one C++ framework designed for this purpose.

Nodepp is an extremely speedy asynchronous application backend engine for C++ projects. It aims to bring the asynchronous event-loop lambda-based execution style of NodeJS to C++, with a syntax similar to NodeJS

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Why Nodepp

By using Nodepp, developers can take advantage of the efficiency and performance of C++ while enjoying the familiarity and convenience of NodeJS syntax. This allows concurrent applications to be developed more efficiently and productively, resulting in more scalable and high-performance code.

The API you need to know

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Compatible with Embedded Devices

Nodepp is also compatible with Embedded Devices like Arduino UNO. This is thanks Nodepp was written in pure C++, without relying on standard libraries, which makes it highly portable and compatible with a wide range of devices. This ability to run in diverse environments is a significant advantage, allowing developers to use Nodepp on a variety of platforms without worrying about compatibility.

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Arduino Using Nodepp



NODEPP | Asynchronous C++ Code like Javascriptfor.